Update to 03/28/21 GFNN Update

On 03/28/21 all GFNN were sent an update entitled: “The most frustrating thing concerning GFNN”.   The excerpt below is from the update: “What frustrates me the most is that everyone invested in GFNN to make a multiple return on their investment.  Everyone believed...

Why $6K will become $253K in 2024

The 8/23/23 GFNN update mentioned that EmotionTrac was the key for GFNN investors to recoup some or all of the monies they invested into GFNN.  The update also mentioned the opportunity to invest $6,000 in EmotionTrac.  The company was discovered due to it being a...

GFNN Update August 2023

Dear GFNN investor,  As you are probably aware, my intention is for all of GFNN/Newsgrade’s investors to at least recoup their investments.   Hopefully, this can be accomplished via one of the two following methods during second half of 2024: Pay cash to purchase...

Message from Michael Markowski, May 3, 2020

Dear GFNN investor,  The articles below were sent to you over the weekend.  They rank as my most important ever. This includes my September 2007 article which warned my readers to get out of Lehman, Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch before their 2008 collapses. Worldwide...