GFNN Trading and Investing Alerts
Sign up for Michael Markowski’s trading and investing alerts which are
exclusively available to GFNN/ investors
GFNN’s investors provided the capital for Michael Markowski to develop systems which he utilized to create proprietary algorithms to make extreme long and short recommendations for publicly traded companies. Unfortunately, GFNN was never able to capitalize from its subscription model to provide returns to shareholders.
However, from 2003 through 2021, Michael has been utilizing his expertise and knowledge to help those Newsgrade/GFNN/ investors, who were in close contact with him, to make exponential profits:
• *2003-Investools. Price when shares recommended: $0.24. Investools was acquired by Ameritrade for $3.34 per share in cash and 0.3980 of an AMTD share in 2009. Based on share price of Schwab after its acquired Ameritrade in 2019 via all stock transaction the post mergers cash & stock value of an Investools’ share at 12/6/21 was $38.10, a multiple of 157 times the $0.24 share price in 2003.
• *2003-TRM corp. Price when shares recommended: $0.84. In 2004, Michael told the investors to sell all of their TRM Corp holdings at $18.45, a multiple of 21.9 times in 14 months.
• 2019-Investview. Price when shares recommended: $0.03. Michael informed a group of shareholders to aggressively purchase shares of Investview (INVU) at or below $0.03. When the share price spiked from $0.59 to above $0.70 on April 5, 2021, Michael called the GFNN shareholders who held shares and told them to sell. Share price multiplied by 23.3 times from $0.03 to $0.70
*Discovered via FREE Cash Flow Yield valuation algorithm which was developed to find the most undervalued stocks in the US stock market. For video about algorithm which discovered companies and to view trade confirms to verify buy and sell share prices click here.
Testimonials Prices and Gains:
“I purchased shares as low as $0.017 and sold shares as high as $0.60 (2,529%).“
“I purchased shares below $0.03 and sold shares at above $0.50 (1,566%)“
“I purchased shares at an average of $0.02 and sold shares for as high as $0.70 (3,400%)“
“I purchased shares for as low as 0.016 and sold shares as high as $0.749 (4,562%)“

A. 8/14/2019, “Based on the last price of $0.024 the shares could potentially multiply by 15 and 60 times respectively.”
B. 11/27/2019, “Based on comparable debt to equity ratios the valuation would go to $600 million, an equivalent share price of $0.35.”
C. 2/25/2021, “GFNN shareholders who followed my recommendation to buy shares of former GFNN subsidiary, Investview in my August 2019 shareholder update have a profit of 800%”
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